Sunday, 30 December 2012

A New Year is upon us !  Rehearsals for the Mozart Requiem are well in hand and we have eight more evenings before the concert.

An increase of £1 a week in the subscription was announced at the AGM in 2012 December.  Members are asked to remember to pay for at least a half term at a time on the first occasion in the half term that they attend.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

After the Olympics !

Now that the summer of TV sport is over, we are meeting again !  Every Wednesday (in Manchester Schools' term times) at 7.30 pm.

We are currently learning the Mozart Requiem, in preparation for a public concert next March (probably the 2nd) and we are also brushing up several pieces composed or arranged by our in-house maestro - Bill - getting ready for a concert of his work later on this term.

Please note the change of phone number to gain access if the door is locked - try 07552 209 200

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Summer Break

We had a most enjoyable evening on Wednesday last, the final meeting before our summer break, singing through Hiawatha's Wedding Feast and then our Top Ten from the repertoire. Of course the evening closed with our normal BYO buffet and much socialising ! We convene again on Wednesday September 5th at 7.30 pm, when we will continue to learn the Mozart Requiem ready for February 2013, as well as rehearse a programme of Bill's compositions for a special event on his birthday. This Friday a small group will sing at David Scantlebury's funeral at St James in Stenner Lane. David has been a choir stalwart for many years, and his web postings, wit, humour and musical abilities will be greatly missed.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Summer Term 2012

Meetings for the second half of the summer term start again on Wednesday June 13th and go through to July 18th.

We are currently learning Coleridge-Taylor's Hiawatha and will probably do a complete run through on July 18th at our last meeting before the summer break.

We are also beginning to brush up the Mozart Requiem, ready for February 2013 and will also, no doubt, be singing some lighter music from our repertoire just for our own pleasure.